This Ork Nob came a few years ago as a freebie with a White Dwarf magazine - back in a time when GW would still give free stuff with any major release. I started painting him sometime later, but eventually he sadly found himself in the 'miniatures limbo', a place full of half finished minis with no prospect of being finished in any foreseeable future. Lucky for him, I am slowly (but inexorably!) preparing a Necromunda Ork gang, so who would be more fitting as a leader than a huge, all muscle one-eyed Nob?
He sports a pretty bold colour scheme on his trousers, kind of like a kilt or checked pattern - I don't know what was going in my mind back then when I decided to paint him like this. It's really weird how when you pick up a mini started ages ago, you spot all kinds of things you probably wouldn't do if you were to start in now.. anyway, he'll soon be leading a small group of greenskins through the Underhive!